BWG, Pfleiderer and Siemens establish a Center of Competence in China

In the presence of the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and the Governor of Guangdong Province, Huang Huahua, German companies agree on High-Speed Initiative in ChinaBWG, Pfleiderer and Siemens establish a Center of Competence in Guangzhou(Canton) in cooperation with the Guangdong Railway GroupIn the presence of the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and the Governor ofGuangdong Province, Huang Huahua, three German companies from the railwaytechnology sector today agreed to establish a "German High-Speed Initiative" in thecity of Guangzhou in southern China. These three companies are: BWG, the turnout -systems supplier with headquarters in Butzbach/Hessen;

PfleidererInfrastrukturtechnik, the track systems and equipment supplier located inNeumarkt/Bavaria; and the Transportation Systems Group of Siemens AG. Thepurpose of this agreement is to establish Centers of Competence in China which willprovide support and know-how to local and national rail operators. This assistance willbe based on the experience that has been gained from large-scale railway projects inGermany and many other countries.

About the PCM RAILONE Group

The PCM RAILONE Group has been manufacturing concrete sleepers and track systems for urban transit and long-distance rail transportation for over 60 years. The technology leader also offers its expertise in the fields of engineering and plant construction. Its customer-driven innovations fulfill the highest quality standards and are installed around the world

The PCM RAILONE Group is comprised of several companies and eleven production facilities with a presence in Germany, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Hungary, Turkey, the United States, Canada and lndia. lt maintains annual capacities of over 5 million track sleepers and 840,000 linear meters of turnout sleepers. RAILONE produces optimized products and custom solutions with over 550 employees around the world.
